To Talk, Text, Or Tweet… That Is The Question
Tweets, likes and you-tubes, OH MY!
In a time of texts, tweets and twitching… You just googled “twitching” didn’t you? Fearful that you have missed out on the newest tech communication method? Rest easy, my friend, twitching is just what your thumbs do when you haven’t checked your phone in over 5 minutes. By the way, “googled” is now a verb. I digress…
we have numerous options as to how to contact someone. Gone are the days of meeting someone for coffee to discuss something important, and here are the days you could get a break up text while in line at the grocery store. However, the lines have become blurred as to what is an appropriate method of communication in various scenarios. Here is a break down of how various communication tools are used todays, their level of effectiveness and threat levels. Please note that this list is not all-inclusive like a Cabo San Lucas Resort, rather is is A La Carte guidelines of your options, effectiveness, and risks. Please communicate at your own discretion…
Marriage proposals, baby-making moments, to deliver good or bad news (if you are brave and confrontational) and possibly employment or financial opportunities.
Effectiveness: Moderate (if you tend to blabber) to High (if you can keep your composure)
Risk: High. Cheers to your vulnerability. -
To deliver news (if you are still brave but less confrontational) , day to day conversations, to hire or fire someone, to wait on hold for 3 hours with Comcast because your internet bill was incorrect…again.
Effectiveness: High. A phone call says you mean business.
Risk: Low. You can always hang up and blame a bad connection. -
Work correspondence, to deliver news (if you are non-confrontational, need to explain something without interruption and there is potential for emotional outbursts from either party), to spam others.
Effectiveness: Low. Email is the new snail mail. Your words could be lost forever in some Spam folder…you will never know.
Risk: Low to Moderate. While email does leave a paper trail (ironic), you can think it through before hitting send. -
To communicate mundane facts, let someone know you are thinking of them, or to combat boredom in situations where it is inappropriate to speak (work meetings, during a movie, at a loud concert, etc). Please not this is NOT an appropriate method to deliver any major news, break up, argue, or have relationships conversations.
Effectiveness: High
Risk: Low when used correctly. High when used in an inappropriate context. Screen shots do happen. -
To post funny photos of your cat, express your insightful and witty thoughts, to express your public opinion.
Effectiveness: Low. People care way more about what the Kardashians are tweeting about than your lowly tweets. Except your mother-in-law, boss or ex...they care...
Risk: Actually quite high. This is public record and can be used against you. This is not protected info and you can’t take back what you said.
Stay Tuned For Part 2: Facebook, Instagram and Snapchatting…